Includes FREE printable for your personal use the armoury of thought he [man] forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. - James Allen, As A Man Thinketh.
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Love yourself enough to want the best life for yourself.
Your mind is a fertile ground and whatever you sow, you reap. Any dialogue you have with yourself represents seeds being planted, and its fruits become visible in your character, behaviour and habits.
"Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind, for they are the weeds that strangle confidence." - Bruce Lee
Your words and thoughts are not just words and thoughts - this forms your self-talk, and when repeatedly said, we affirm these statements to form our beliefs whether it is negative or positive. Words like "Why keep trying, I'm just going to fail anyway" versus "no obstacle is too big for me, bring it on" shape your mindset and attract a negative or positive outcome, which then defines your reality.
We all desire to experience joy, love, peace, prosperity and good health in our lives but we often sabotage our desires with negative, self-destructive thoughts. How to overcome this, is by not accepting the thoughts that flood your mind as truths. This doesn't mean ignoring what's happening to you but rather you're conscious of speaking life and purpose into your situation. In short, renewing your mind by casting down every imagination that conflicts with your aspiration.
Renewing your mind is a biblical truth that empowers you to flourish. This should be a daily practice in your life as it sets the foundation on which you stand. It anchors you in truth and uproots any weeds that choke your authentic self and dreams.
"Keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds" - Romans 12:2 (CJB)
Developing the right mindset to elevate your life starts with these five gems:
1. Speak to yourself with love
Think before you speak to yourself because your heart is listening and out of your heart flows the issues of life. So be encouraging and forgiving; constructive but less critical; acknowledge your fears and weaknesses, but don’t let them be your narrative.
2. Drop the excuses and take action
When you hold on to excuses, your life tomorrow will always resemble the life you lived yesterday - there is no change, no growth and no success. So become accountable and transparent with yourself and take action to see results.
3. Don't shy away from challenges, embrace change
Seek and accept challenges and in doing so, you embrace change. Being stagnant in life is not a goal to be chasing after - it kills your purpose, and buries your talents, ideas and influence. Without challenges you can never know what you are truly capable of, it stretches and refines you to be the highest expression of yourself.
4. Make the vision plain
You only divert when you do not have a goal. Writing your vision down gives you direction and brings clarity as it helps you organise your thoughts, your ideas, and your mind but you can't just leave it there, you must actively work towards your vision to see its manifestation.
5. Know the difference between rest and procrastination
Knowing when to rest is crucial to avoid being burnt out and stressed, you must not mischaracterise rest as procrastination and procrastination as rest. Both if ignored will affect your results, so you must discipline yourself to get the most out of what you want.
We’re big believers that living your best life begins with your thoughts, so we encourage you to place this printable in a visible place or saved it on your devices so that you can be reminded and affirm these truths over your life, or you can create positive affirmations that resonate with your circumstances. The goal is to focus on your aspirations by using positive, self-affirming, self-empowering statements to uplift and inspire you into action daily.
For your personal use. Download your printable here to share and meditate on. For best results print on good quality cardstock or photo paper, email us at if you are experiencing any issues with downloading.