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Can't Get Your Hands on Hand Sanitiser?

Don't panic, let's get creative with your own homemade and effective hand sanitiser.

Contains affiliated links.

Sometimes you don't realise how bad things are until you surprisingly see them with your naked eyes. The memes, the tweets and forwarded images don't quite take their toil, up until you visit 6 different stores searching high and low for one item. I mean there are plenty of shower gels, toothpaste and shampoos - don't people use that too?

There are so many DIY recipes you can find on the internet; they can be great and overwhelming at the same time, but please use your discretion based on your own research when making any type of homemade product.

So let's get started... one thing I would like to point out is that hand sanitisers DO NOT replace a good ole hand washing. Hand washing is one of the best practices to adopt in protecting yourself and others from getting sick, and it is recommended you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and clean water - don't cheat yourself with just water. Protecting your hands protects others! You can read the science behind this practice here.

What You Need

  • 6 tablespoons of 99% rubbing alcohol - the active ingredient in any hand sanitiser, and it needs to comprise at least 60% of the product in order to kill microbes. Use specifically isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or ethanol, since others can be toxic

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel

  • 10 drops of your preferred essential oils.

  • 5 drops of vitamin E oil

  • Small glass bottle or spray bottle

  • Mixing bowl or measuring cup

  • A non-metal utensil for mixing


  1. Make sure everything you use is clean.

  2. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl or measuring cup with a non-metal utensil and transfer your germ buster into your dispenser - a glass bottle or spray bottle.

  3. Voila, there you have it, your own hand sanitiser to use as needed to combat germs and viruses. Rub into hands well and allow to dry before moisturising.

Our 'Best Essential Oils for Hand Sanitisers' (which can also be added to your hand wash) is definitely worth pinning.

Feel free to comment on which oils you use and also share how it turns out for you. Get creative and hashtag #ZENYSINSPIRES.

Disclaimer: This recipe is based on my personal favourite. I am not a trained chemist or skincare expert. This recipe has not been tested in a lab and the information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult a doctor or specialist for specific concerns about any skincare issues.

- Glenys

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1 comentario

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