Lessons You Can Learn From Mephibosheth's Life - 2 Samuel 9

Have you ever read a Bible story that you are familiar with but yet feels like you are reading it for the first time? The revelation hits you differently, and you wonder how could you have missed it. Well lately, that's been happening to me, and it makes me love the Word even more.
I've been studying the book of Samuel, and King David and Mephibosheth's relationship brought me to awe, and I knew that this message had to be shared to encourage others. The inspiring story is found in 2 Samuel 9, and it literally awakens adoration for who God is.
We can sometimes miss how loving God is and question how He can be a Good Father because of the injustice and suffering around us, but one thing that I have said to myself is that if we could see all that Adonai has done for us, our praise would be different. All over the Scriptures, we get to see God's grace and mercy unveiled, even when He's not mentioned - which I find mind-blowing, and I saw this reflected in Mephibosheth's life.
So let's eat from the Word...
2 Samuel 9 Commentary
King David was a man after God's heart, so when we look at David's character we can see a glimpse of God, but Mephibosheth's encounter with the King caught my attention followed by the King's response to him - this almost had me in tears. Let me give you an overview of the narrative, but I encourage you to read the book of Samuel for context.
Mephibosheth is the son of Johnathan [David's best friend] and the grandson of Saul [David's enemy]. Saul was the first king of Israel, and on many occasions tried to kill David out of jealousy because David was anointed by God to be Saul’s successor, and for that David became a threat to the throne. Saul, Jonathan and his brothers died in battle, and so David became king.
It was customary for a king from a new dynasty to annihilate any rivals, including anyone from the lineage of the former dynasty, so everyone from Saul's bloodline should have been executed. But instead of revenge on Saul and his descendants, King David wanted to extend kindness and mercy to anyone left from Saul's family; why would he do that when he has the power to overthrow Saul's bloodline and secure his throne?... Because of his covenant with his best friend, Johnathan - 1 Samuel 18:3 / 20:13-17.
Here's the plot twist, Ziba, a servant from Saul's family called Mephibosheth out of hiding. He mentioned Mephibosheth's current condition [crippled at both feet] and where he lived, Lo-debar to King David. This is how deep it gets, Lo-debar means no pasture, barren, no word, darkness, nothingness, just a waste of space. So now King David is aware that Johnathan's son is alive, and invites him to his palace. Mephibosheth receives an invitation from the king.
Mephibosheth was not always crippled; at the age of five, he was dropped when his nurse fled out of fear after the announcement of his father and grandfather's death. So now, Mephibosheth meets King David, and who knows what thoughts are going through his mind, bear in mind his nurse fled with him to save his life. Mephibosheth prostrates out of respect and fear for his life before the king, and King David said to him v.7 "Do not be afraid, for I will show you kindness for the sake of your father Johnathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather, and you shall eat at my table always."
In disbelief, Mephibosheth prostrated as he saw himself unworthy to receive such grace. A reward he did nothing to earn. He replied to the king v.8 "What is your servant that makes you pay such attention to a dead dog like me?" I love how King David didn't even respond to Mephibosheth's comment but reaffirmed his inheritance, so now Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem and ate at the king's table, just like one of the king's sons. How beautiful is that?
The Revelation, The Lesson, The Reflection
My commentary may have been a spoiler alert, I'm sorry, but it was too good to not spill. The story we just read exposes the heart of God through King David and reaffirms Ephesians 2 - you've got to take a moment to read this, but believe me when I say what-a-wow, thank you, Lord!
Let's go deeper into this, and see where you and I fit in:
2 Samuel 9 (GNT) Highlights | Revelation | Lesson & Reflection |
v.1-3 One day David asked, “Is there anyone left of Saul's family? If there is, I would like to show him kindness for Jonathan's sake.” The king asked [Ziba], “Is there anyone left of Saul's family to whom I can show loyalty and kindness, as I promised God I would?” | David seeks to fulfil the promise he made to Johnathan just as much as God's word doesn't return to Him void, He is a covenant-keeping God, the Alpha and Omega, who fulfils everything that He has spoken. King David wanted to extend kindness on behalf of someone else. God's steadfast love is because of the blood of Jesus. | Taste and see that the Lord is good. The goodness and graciousness of God are not only for us to consume, but as we freely receive we should freely give. This brings a witness and testifies to the God we serve. It also speaks of integrity, and as image-bearers of Adonai, we are called to imitate Him. |
v. 3-5 Ziba answered, “There is still one of Jonathan's sons. He is crippled... At the home of Machir son of Ammiel in Lodebar”. So King David sent for him. | Mephibosheth was royalty but yet was defined by his condition and was cast aside from society. His physical ailment was a result of fear. No one comes to look for you in Lo-debar, so he kept a low profile, but that didn't stop King David from searching for him. There is no place that is too low for Our Saviour to reach you Philipp. 2:6-8. | Men see your exterior BUT GOD sees His covenant. Your belief in yourself will manifest in how you live. You are more valuable than you realise. Hold on tight to what God says about you because when we move in fear we cripple our purpose. We can only overcome by God's Word. Isaiah 55:8-9. |
v. 6 When Mephibosheth arrived, he bowed down before David in respect. David said, “Mephibosheth,” and he answered, “At your service, sir.” | What is your posture before the King? | Humility and obedience moves the hand of God. It allows you to submit, and God is pleased when our hearts submit unto Him, as He wants us to reverence him with wholehearted devotion. Your reverence reveals your heart posture. |
v. 7 “Don't be afraid,” David replied. “I will be kind to you for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will give you back all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always be welcome at my table.” | Grace is given to Mephibosheth, not because of anything he's done but because of who he is, Johnathan's son, because of his father's love. This verse reminds me of restoration, identity, inheritance and fellowship. Does this sound familiar? | Agape sustains commitment, and grace searches for you to bless you. There's a place for you at the King's table because of His love (John 14:3; Revelation 21:3-5). This theme reminds me of The Prodigal Son, Luke 15: 28-32. |
v. 8 Mephibosheth bowed again and said, “I am no better than a dead dog, sir! Why should you be so good to me?” | Mephibosheth couldn't comprehend the king's goodness. He felt unworthy to receive and saw no value in himself but his story was about to change as he remained humbled. How do we respond to God's love, His gift of salvation and redemption? | How many times have we felt unworthy to receive God's love, His forgiveness? We let our sin define us and cover us in shame than to submit under God's love. But God's word and His amazing grace covers error thinking, so move out the way and humble yourself to receive. Psalm 139:17-18. |
v. 9-11 Then the king called Ziba, Saul's servant, and said “I am giving Mephibosheth, your master's grandson, everything that belonged to Saul and his family... Mephibosheth himself will always be a guest at my table.” ...So Mephibosheth ate at the king's table, just like one of the king's sons. | A transfer of wealth as King David extends God's goodness to Mephibosheth. What seemed impossible to Mephibosheth became possible because of God's faithfulness. Psalm 23:4-5 depicts how blessed we are when we fellowship with our King. | Grace and mercy invite you to experience a new level of intimacy. We are adopted into sonship through the blood of Jesus, and that is our blessed assurance. King David portrays how Kingdom Citizens should live - we let our light shine when we emit God's Words written in our hearts and minds. |
v. 13 So Mephibosheth, who was crippled in both feet, lived in Jerusalem, eating all his meals at the king's table. | Mephibosheth condition didn't change, but his situation did for God's glory. Mephibosheth humbled himself to receive the King's invitation, and his identity was restored. | There is a place for you at the King's table because of His amazing love, but with all invitations, it's your choice whether you accept or decline. Don't miss out because of wrong thinking or even ignorance that stems from false humility and pride. |
I hope this post has ministered to your heart. We are all a work in progress so feel free to share your revelation, and let's strengthen and encourage one another to be a conduit of the grace, mercy and love that we have freely received.
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Be encouraged and be blessed.